quote1aMost artists don’t succeed because they firmly believe life works in a certain way. Many are unable to release preconceived ideas, take contrary action, or approach problems from a new perspective. This is a shocker for most artists. Their stock-in-trade is creativity, so, they wrongly assume that if anyone can look at a problem in a new and creative way, it will surely be an artist. Whereas that may be the case when it comes to creating art work, that is (sadly) seldom true when it comes to creating a successful career as an artist. Artist PR

Not falling prey to myths, both personal and cultural is the biggest challenge artist’s face.

For example, the personal myths many of us are taught often sound like:

I’m not good enough

I’m not talented enough

I don’t have what it takes to succeed

I’m not creative enough

I don’t have the right schooling

I don’t live in the right city

I don’t have the right connections

I’m too old


We then run headlong in to the cultural and societal myths about artists, such as:

Artists are lazy

Artists are emotionally unstable.

Artists are born to suffer.

Artists are perpetually broke.

Artists are drug addicts or drunks.

Artists are loners.

Artists are moody and difficult.

Artists can never be a successful in business.

Artists are intrinsically right brained and can’t possible comprehend left brain issues.

Is it any wonder that the biggest challenge artists face is changing their mindsets and letting go of these incredibly destructive personal and cultural myths? Whether from our families or from the culture at large, most of us are given subtle and not so subtle messages that art is at best a great hobby or avocation, but certainly nothing to be considered as a way to make a living. Unless, of course, you want to live the life of the starving artist, barely making it from month to month, hanging on by your fingernails. The sad part is that many artist wear that lifestyle as a badge of courage. They show their true artist’s credentials by living a life of lack. As if to say, I must be a true artist if I’m struggling.

There are a number of proactive arts marketing and business steps that artists can take to further their career and establish their brand in the marketplace. I cover many of them in my blogs. Those steps and actions are incredibly important in building a successful career as an artist. But, before you take action, change your mindset.

It’s not easy. You can’t simply decide to think a different way overnight, but you can become aware of your thoughts and the myths you buy into and slowly begin to first detect them and then begin to shift them. Action on its own is not enough, a radical change in thinking is required.

So, let’s start now.

1 You are worth it.

2 You are good enough.

3 You can make a living through your art

4 The business of art can be rewarding since it allows you the freedom to create

5 You can lead an incredibly successful, fulfilling happy life as an artist

Action and doing is important, but secondary.

Start by changing your perceptions, which in turn will change your reality.

Copyright © 2015 Mora Communications

 Artist PR